The Democratic Central Committee of Siskiyou County (DCCSC) believes that an educated society is the best way to develop a strong democracy, and that education is one of the best means for individuals to improve not only their own lives, but to contribute to a healthy society in diverse and productive ways.
In support of these beliefs, this year we will offer two (2)! one-thousand-dollar ($1000) scholarships to two eligible Siskiyou County graduates! (All high school, charter school, home school and continuation school graduates are eligible to apply for the awards).

The DCCSC 2024 Scholarship was awarded to Roman Cross
Roman demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence, participated in numerous extracurricular activities and programs, volunteered for local organizations during his four years at MSHS. He attends the University of Southern California (USC).

The DCCSC 2023 Scholarship winner was Athena Maniatis
Athena attends Marymount Manhattan College, majoring in Creative Writing and minoring in Fashion Studies. Many DCCSC members met and congratuated Athena and her parents at the 2023 DCCSC BBQ!
Our 2022 Scholarship winner was Sam Shelly
Sam attends Vassar College. He wrote after his first year: "Vassar College has introduced me to new areas of study, like computer science and coding. I've made many new friendships, joined the ultimate frisbee team, and took the train into NYC - many times!"